Governance Structure

ACC Congregations

The congregation is the basic unit of ACC organization.  It is central in the life and witness of the church. 

All congregations or emerging groups that have membership with ACC have two delegates for the first 100 persons and an additional delegate for each additional 100 persons or fraction thereof.  In addition, all credentialed ministers and committee members are delegates by virtue of their function. 

ACC Delegate Body 

The ACC Delegate council meet anually and has the authority and responsibility to address policies and programs that impact conference life. 

Delegates are expected to: 

  • Represent their congregations and represent conference life to their congregations 
  • Participate in meetings, fellowship, discussion, and vision development 
  • Elect conference Executive Committee members and other leadership persons
  • Approve the annual budget
  • Approve revisions or amendments to ACC bylaws 

ACC Executive Committee 

The executive committee includes six or more persons selected by the delegate council to represent the life of the congregations and will have the authority to complete the day to day function of leadership.  The committee will do initial vision or discernment work and bring items for approval to the delegate body. 

In addition, the Executive Committee will provide accountability and support for all conference staff.  Staff will submit monthly reports to Executive Committee. 

Executive Committee will invite other resource persons such as Cluster Conveners and Committee Chairpersons to join them occasionally for further relationship building and vision casting. 

Executive Committee consists of: Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Treasurer, Secretary (all officers of the conference) and two or more additional members.  (a young adult member has been a priority for many years). Staff members sit on this committee but are not voting members.

The full text of the ACC Bylaws is available HERE.

A diagram of ACC’s structure can be found HERE.