2024 ACC Year in Review
Have you ever wondered what your church’s participation in Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is all about? Following are ten things that ACC Staff and committees have been up to in…
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ACC Adds Juneteenth Staff Holiday
At its monthly meeting in July, ACC’s Executive Committee approved adding Juneteenth to the list of ACC’s approved staff holidays. This follows a similar move by the US government in…
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2023 Peace Mug Awarded to Boston Immigration Supporters
ACC’s P&J Committee selects a peace mug recipient each year to highlight and recognize past and present Shalom work being done in our communities. This year the committee has selected…
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2023 Nickels for Neighbors project to help Roots program grow
ACC congregations are encouraged to collect coins in their Sunday School classes, Bible studies, or services, primarily as a way to encourage giving among our children.
Merv Stoltzfus Reflects on 30+ Years of Ministry and Leadership with ACC
Merv Stoltzfus has been in leadership in Atlantic Coast Conference for more than 30 years. In those three-plus decades, our whole society has experienced convulsive change, including the church. How did Merv not lose his way? How did he not get pulled off-base in the middle of many tensions? How did he sort out which were his personal references—and what was appropriate for the church, for the people?
Re-Storying God’s Mission: ACC holds Annual Assembly
Reflections on beginnings and endings defined much of this year’s ACC Annual Assembly, held at African Community Church of Lancaster (ACCL) on April 22. The delegate business of the morning…
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ACC to process credentials for LGBTQ+ ministers
The Ministerial Leadership Committee (MLC) of Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has affirmed its readiness to process credentialing requests for LGBTQ+ ministers. The committee’s decision…
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ACC Response to Recent MC USA Resolutions
Decisions to retire the Membership Guidelines and to affirm the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation at the May 2022 Special Delegate Session of MC USA have been viewed in a variety of ways throughout Atlantic Coast…
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