We invite you to journey with us…
As we center our lives in Jesus Christ, God’s Son,
As we build connections across diverse paths of life experience,
As we share God’s love in meaningful relationships and settings.
Recent News & Stories

2024 ACC Year in Review
Have you ever wondered what your church’s participation in Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is all about? Following are ten things that ACC Staff and committees have been up to in the last…

ACC Adds Juneteenth Staff Holiday
At its monthly meeting in July, ACC’s Executive Committee approved adding Juneteenth to the list of ACC’s approved staff holidays. This follows a similar move by the US government in 2021 to…

2023 Peace Mug Awarded to Boston Immigration Supporters
ACC’s P&J Committee selects a peace mug recipient each year to highlight and recognize past and present Shalom work being done in our communities. This year the committee has selected Kendra Eshleman…