Honorarium Guide

A downloadable brochure on ACC’s honorarium guidelines is available HERE.

Payment of Honorarium

Honorarium is given and arranged by the agency, department, or board for involvement in such activities as annual conference assembly, leadership training workshops and seminars.

Before the date is confirmed, inquire from the resource person about honorarium needs, expectations, or if they or their agency have a set honorarium. Honorarium is often an awkward subject for resource people in Christian ministry. It is your responsibility to encourage resource people to be honest about their needs and to offer honorable compensation.


Conference leadership persons including staff who serve in activities involving significant travel expense and preparation time are eligible to receive honorarium. Honorarium is not given for activities which fall within the reasonable expectations of one’s assignment.

Honorarium is not normally given to fully supported appointees, or conference staff who work half time or more, or to conference committee members or appointees when serving as devotional leaders or song leaders at regular conference committee meetings. When a staff person participates in an activity on work time, no honorarium is called for; when he or she serves on personal time, honorarium should be considered.

Level of Honorarium

We view our involvement in the work of Conference programs to be on a Christian service basis. Remuneration should be commensurate with actual costs. When honorarium is paid, out-of-pocket expenses for travel, mileage of 15 miles or more (use IRS business rate), food, or lodging should also be provided.

Receiving of Honorarium

Honoraria for engagements related to work assignments may be kept personally if the person covers his or her own out-of-pocket expenses and does the engagement in addition to the normal duties of the regular work assignment. It is also acceptable to turn in honorarium and request expense reimbursement.

Time Reimbursement

We recommend that consideration be given when a lot of time is necessary for travel and preparation in addition to the time taken off from the speaker’s regular work.

Considerations for Honorarium

  • The Speaker’s expertise and training
  • The number and length of presentations.
  • Preparatory time
  • Travel, food, and lodging should also be provided.

Suggested Guidelines

ACC will follow guidelines below and suggests that member congregations also use these for visiting speakers, teachers, etc. These amounts should be considered for both in-person and virtual presentations.

Message / Presentation               $200-$300
Sunday morning sermons, cluster events, etc. depending on the length of presentations, setting in which it is delivered, preparation time, or other determining factors.)

Worship Periods                           $75-$150

Bible Study Leader                       $125-$150

Conducting a Workshop               $150-$200

Repeat Message or Workshop     $75-$100 (at same event)

Other Shorter Involvements        $40-$100
(brief devotional, panel participant)