Resources for undoing racism in our churches
This series of resource booklets was developed by ACC’s Anti-racism Task Group to help congregations and individuals along the journey. Our hope is to pen windows ofr people to advance in their own journey toward inter-racial understanding and a desire to participate in justice-based change first in our own hearts, and then in our congregations an in society as a whole.
Part 1: Spirit
Part 2: Mind
Part 3: Body
Landisville Process Graphic
Landisville Mennonite Church lead a series of classes and discussions on anti-racism. This graphic illustrates the structure of their process that could be replecated in your congregation.
Webinar – Anti-racism in the Church (10.24.20)
This webinar hosted by ACC’s Anti-racism Task Group provided conversation and resources to help congregations begin the journey toward becoming anti-racist.
Resources from Mennonite Church USA
Anti-Racism Resources for Mennonite Churches
Anti-Racism Resources for White Allies
Anti-Racism Basics
Anti-racism Resources for BIPOC
Race, Church and Change Webinar and Resource List
Anti-racism Glossary
IDI Continuum and webpage