Creation Care

Our human attitudes and actions toward God’s creation too often have been expressions of our sinful greed and selfish pride, rather than of our divine call to be Creation’s stewards. The result has been the unsustainable use of natural resources, pollution, loss of Creation’s biological diversity, and the increasing threats of climate change. These degradations of nature also are having adverse impacts on the most vulnerable and poorest human populations and nations.

As followers of Christ, and God’s image-bearers, we—as individuals and congregations—need to address seriously our own complicity and work humbly toward expressing better our Creation stewardship responsibilities. In doing so, we must remember where we put our hope—not in politics, or technological fixes—but in God. Our responsibility is to do what we can: evaluate our faithfulness rather than results.

ACC’s Creation Care Task Force created a list of ways we can act individuallyl and corporately. View the list here.

Caring for God’s Earth – recordings from the 2021 retreat

ACC hosted a variety of speakers on topics relating to creation care and sustainability in May 2021 during a two-day virtual retreat. View the full list of recordings from ACC’s YouTube channel HERE.

Anabaptist Climate Collaborative resources

Find resources for you, your church and your community from Anabaptist Climate Collaborative at