Healthy boundaries are a gift. They are helpful guidelines that give shape to our relationships. God set boundaries in the creation of the world, not to limit creation, but to protect it and let it flourish. Boundaries create safe spaces and help to build trust. However, in our society sometimes we hear the word boundaries as a negative one.
In this training you will be introduced to the nature of boundaries and the issues of power and vulnerability. The course provides an ethical and theological understanding of healthy boundaries, as well as practical acknowledgement of the arenas that are often challenging for those in ministry. Specifically exploring the complex roles and situation of ministry in a thoughtful and reflective way. You will have the opportunity to share experiences, and respond to situations through interactive discussions, as well as receive resources and have time for individual reflection.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
10:30am – 5:30pm EST
Training held via Zoom
Joanne Dietzel, ACC Executive Conference Minister (Pennsylvania-based), will lead Healthy Boundaries training sessions in the FaithTrust Institute (a national training organization) model of prevention of clergy sexual misconduct.
Training are held online, using Zoom video conferencing. Materials and a Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the training. Training and course materials are provided to Atlantic Coast and Mosaic Conference credentialed leaders free of charge. The cost is $55 for all others.
This training is open to anyone who wishes to attend. All credentialed leaders of Atlantic Coast Conference and Mosaic Conference are be required to attend a Healthy Boundaries 101 training.
More Healthy Boundaries training opportunities can be found through the Mennonite Church USA Healthy Boundaries webpage.
Please register and pay (if not ACC or Mosaic) below by November 1.