Faith Formation

ACC values and promotes “Faith Formation,” the ongoing growth and development as followers of Jesus Christ. We are on an lifelong journey of transformation as we are formed toward the goal of becoming more like Christ. Faith formation is for all ages and continues at every stage of our journey.

Below you’ll find resources for yourself, your family and your congregation to help you on that journey.

Places to look for resources:

Mennonite Education Agency (MEA) has a searchable database of books, videos, podcasts, music, websites and more for youth, young adults, and adults.

MennoMedia has a variety of resoures including podcasts, books for sale and free downloads. This includes the Shine curriculum.

Together in Worship is a curated collection of free online resources from Anabaptist sources that support communal Christian worship.

Voices Together hymnal website offers downloads, resources, and events on the new (2020) hymnal.

Building Faith is a ministry of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary. We publish theologically rich, practically oriented articles on Christian formation. Our mission is to equip and inspire churches and individuals for ministries of Christian education and faith formation for all ages.

The Seed and The Soil Project creates music, art, and “Little Liturgies” that follow the liturgical year to help folks welcome the seed of the Good News as it takes root in their lives. CDs and text of the simple weekly prayers are available at Salford (Welcome Center) or can be streamed and downloaded here. The Ordinary Time series runs from June-Nov. Listen to all the albums on Soundcloud.

Church librarians may need help managing and promoting a church library. Documents developed by Western District Conference.